星期四, 8月 25, 2005

北果阿- 葡國的足跡 Panaji in North Goa - Footprints of the Portugees

Portugese Goa. 2002.


果阿(गोवा) 是印度面積最小的一個邦,論人口而言則僅多於錫金、米佐拉姆邦及阿魯納恰爾邦 ,是印度人口第四少的邦。果阿位於印度西岸,北臨中央邦 ,東及南方與卡納塔克邦 接鄰,西瀕阿拉伯海。果阿首府位於Panaji,而最大的城鎮是瓦斯科·達·伽馬城。歷史上果阿曾是葡萄牙的殖民地,葡萄牙的商人於16世紀抵達果阿,不久即佔據該地,打壓印度教徒及回教徒,導使該地多數人口歸信天主教。葡萄牙的殖民時期延續了約450年,直至1961年被印度拼吞。今日,以人均資產值計算果阿是印度最富裕的一個邦。


果阿的GDP是印度全國的1.5倍,並擁有全國其中之一最高的經濟增長率達8.23% (1990-2000). 沿海地區的旅遊業發展為果亞帶來主要經濟收入. 除此之外, 內陸地區盛產礦物, 如鐵礦, 泥陶, 石灰石等, 天然的採礦工業亦造就其經濟發展; 而農作業如種植稻米,腰果,椰子與捕魚業就漸成為次要經濟作業. 果阿亦盛產美酒- 威士忌與烈酒店子隨處可見. 低廉的消費稅是葡國殖民的遺跡.


魚咖哩和飯是果亞人的日常美食. 豐富的魚種, 加上椰子, 椰油, 辣椒和香醋等配料, 令果亞的美食添上獨特的口味. 天主教徒尤其喜愛在特別的節日烹調Vindaloo, Xacuti, Sorpotel等菜式.果亞最流行的酒是feni. 腰果feni由腰果發酵製成,椰子feni則製自椰花甜液.



Consists of grated coconut, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, poppy seeds, turmeric powder, red dried chilies, grated nutmeg, aniseed, fennel seeds, oil, onion, green chilies, tamarind pulp.

Vindaloo goa
Consists of red dried chilies / peppers, peppercorns, cloves garlic, ginger, cinnamon, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, sugar, vinegar, oil, coconut feni, onion and salt to taste.

Bebinca goa
200 Grams maida (sieved) 10 Egg yolks 500 Gms. sugar 1 Coconut juice (thick) 1/4 Nutmeg (powdered) 200 Gms. ghee

Take the coconut milk, mix it with the maida, sugar and egg yolks. Stir thoroughly till sugar has dissolved, add nutmeg powder and keep aside. Heat a little ghee in a pan and pour in one cup of batter. Bake till brown. Add another spoonful of ghee and another cup of batter. Bake, and repeat this till all the batter is used up in layers. Turn the bebinca upside down and cool before serving. Note: Baking of bebinca is done over slow fire and with coals on top of the lid of the pan.

Coconut Pullao goa

2 cups Delhi rice 3 cups thin and 1 cup thick coconut milk 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder 2 cardamoms 4 cloves 1/2-inch piece cinnamon stick Salt to suit the taste

Wash and soak the rice in water 1 hour, then drain out all the water. Heat 2 tblsps. ghee and put in the whole spices and fry briefly. Put in the rice, salt and turmeric. Mix well, then pour in the thin coconut milk. Cook the rice till the liquid is almost absorbed, then pour in the thick coconut milk and continue cooking over a very slow fire till the rice is tender and dry. Serve hot.

Special Goan Cake goa

1 kilo semolina 12 eggs 3 coconuts 500 grams sugar 1. tblsp. caraway seeds 1/8 tsp. salt 4 tblsps. butter

Roast the semolina on a girdle without butter to a golden colour; Add 1 cup water to sugar and prepare a thick syrup. Grind the coconuts to a paste. Separate the eggs. Use only the yolks and keep the whites for any other called for recipe. Beat the yolks and mix into the cooled sugar syrup. Mix in the remaining ingredients. From the mixture into a dough. Divide the dough into small, round and flat cakes. Arrange on greased tray and bake in a moderate oven till done.

Goan Egg Curry

Serves 8

Ingredients :
Hardboiled eggs - 8nos
Onions - 4nos
Garlic - 12flakes
Ginger - 2"piece
Kashmiri Chillies - 10nos
Cumin - 3/4tsp
Peppercorns - 1tsp
Groundnut oil - 1/3cup
Split Green chillies - 4nos
Sugar - 1tbs
Salt - to taste
Thick tamarind pulp - 1tbs

Method of Preparation :

Grind half quantity of onion, garlic and ginger together with a little vinegar. Keep aside.
Grind the remaining onions, garlic, ginger with kashmiri chillies, cumin and peppercorn with a little vinegar separately.
Heat oil and add onion, ginger garlic paste. Sauté till light brown colour. Add the second lot of ground masala and saute well till the the gravy stops sticking to the pan.
Add 1 cup water and cook on a low heat. While the water reduces to half, add green chilli, sugar, tamarind and eggs. Simmer till the gravy thickens.



可可椰子Coconut有人稱他為生命之樹,渾身是寶的說法。其食用法,未熟果多飲用汁液,成熟果則因成熟度不同,而異期利用,未完熟時胚乳尚為薄層,可取食其果肉,特名之為Spoon-milk,此種果肉可以榨取椰乳,成熟果果仁肉,可取得椰子油,為人造奶油原料。本土人且用作食油,油餅富含脂肪,亞基酸及基維他命等營養分,可作食料及家畜飼料,或充肥料。若將其花序先端切斷 ,所流出甜液,是名Toddy,其固形物約17.5%,內含蔗糖16.5%,可煮製粗糖,或發酵釀酒,蒸溜得椰子酒(Vine del Coco),其所含酒精成分約達50%。

椰子果實在工業上亦頗重要,為油脂原料,成熟果剖殼取出果仁,晒乾即是果仁肉(Copra),可直接榨取椰子油(Coconut oil),可以製化粧油、燭、皂及人造奶油之用,廢棄之內果皮甚堅硬,可製作用具,經過磨琢雕刻,即成美麗精巧工藝品,更可燃燒成活性碳以吸收毒氣,為製造防毒面具之良好原料。土人常燒殼燻驅蚊蟲,殼灰可供藥用,與胡椒醋混拌,可做產後保養劑,或與醋混合塗抹身體,此外可作消腫,腹痛治劑。



Beach in Goa: South India. 2002.


流進 流去

Lake in Goa: South India. 2002.

on the way.
in the bay.
is the day?

Fruit Lady in Goa: South India. 2002.

As sweet as papaya
As cool as melon
As warm as belly
As touched as pineapple

Jewellery Sellers. Goa Beach. 2002.


The Jewellery Lady. Goa Beach. 2002.
